Region 1 has long been known for its people’s industry and thrift. Qualities renowned by employers and businesses the world over and has translated in previous decades into being among the regions with the lowest poverty incidence rate, and highest Human Development Indices (HDI), and in recent years a literacy rate exceeded only by Metro Manila. State universities such as Don Mariano Marcos State University (DMMSU) and Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU) in the provinces of La Union and Ilocos Norte respectively, have been noted for their strong emphasis on their technology programs which complement the region’s strengths in agriculture and tourism.
These strong fundamentals have translated into confidence in the region’s promise for the tech sector. In terms of internet infrastructure, the resort town of Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte will host the CAP-1 undersea cable system connecting the region to the state of California. The Asia Link Cable System (ALC) set to interconnect the Southeast Asia region through Singapore and Hong Kong is set to land in the towns of Luna and Bauang, La Union. Set to follow these landings are likely to attract data centers and accompanying enterprises in their vicinity.
The region’s Poro Point Special Economic Zone in the Province of La Union contains the landing for the Luzon Bypass Infrastructure Project which stands ready to provide access to high-quality internet connections to locators. MMSU’s ecozone is set to contain the university’s are MMSU’s Knowledge, Innovation, Science and Technology (KIST) Park which aims to train professionals in the sector. The KIST is also mandated to further growth in the region’s smart infrastructure sector – creating demand for technology services for both local and international providers.
Ilocano sipag at tiyaga has put the region on solid macroeconomic fundamentals for the past, and provides a foundation for a future in Industrial Revolution 4.0. As the Philippines is increasingly put on the world stage, those ready to take advantage of developments in the tech sector would be unwise to overlook the region which has served the nation and the world with high quality workers for a century. The mixture of good policy, and the need for innovation make the region ideal for investors looking for a promising place to invest in the IT sector. More unwise would be to leave their investments unguarded and not look for an enterprise with the local knowledge and capability to deliver.